Timber sales
We conduct timber sales throughout Alabama. Timber sales are a big part of land management. And, how you cut your timber has a long term effect on the health and long-term value of your timber and property.
As consultants, we work for you, the landowner, not the timber company. We manage your interests from start to finish. We represent you in the sale of the timber as well as in the final cutting of that timber.
Here are some specific services we perform related to selling timber:
Timber inventory – A timber inventory (timber cruise) is necessary to determine the volume of timber on a parcel of land. The volume of timber is determined by measuring the diameters and heights of trees and using the volume tables to calculate the number of board feet or number of tons in a tree. A timber inventory is necessary to make decisions on when to cut timber as well as how much to cut. A timber cruise is also necessary when property is purchased to establish a basis for tax purposes.
Lump-sum sales – In a lump-sum sale, we meet with you and determine what timber needs to be cut. If it is a select cut, we mark the timber. If it is to be a clear-cut, we mark the sale boundaries. Then we provide you with a timber inventory so you will know the value of the timber you are selling.
Once we have determined what is to be sold, we send out a bid prospectus to all of the area timber buyers. This prospectus contains detailed maps, photographs, and specifics of the sale, such as performance deposits, length of harvest, and bid dates. In response to this prospectus, we ask the timber buyers to submit a lump sum price they are willing to pay for the timber. We accept the highest bid that is above the minimum bid recommended in our timber inventory. Finally, we prepare a contract between the landowner and the successful timber buyer.
The sale is usually closed within 4 weeks of the bid opening and the landowner receives full payment for their timber before it is cut. Once cutting begins we will inspect the harvest operations from start to finish until all the timber is cut to ensure the cutting was done properly.
Per unit sales – When selling timber on a per unit sale, we meet with the landowner to determine what to cut. We designate the timber to be cut by marking the timber or marking the boundaries. Then we ask the timber buyers to bid on a per unit basis. The timber buyers submit a price on each timber product you are selling. That way, you can choose the company that will net you the most money. Finally, we prepare a contract and close the sale.
When the timber company begins to cut the timber, the trucks are weighed at the mill and the timber is paid for as it is cut. This type of sale allows the landowner flexibility and control while taking advantage of the bid process. We will do frequent inspections during the harvest to make sure the terms of the contract are being carried out.